Pregnancy & Skin Care | Shine Beautifully
Share this post with others!Everyone knows about that special “glow” a woman has when she’s expecting, but pregnancy isn’t all good news when it comes to your skin. Hormones are raging through your body, and a number of skin conditions can develop. Even topical treatments can be absorbed into your system and the baby’s so skin care during pregnancy requires special attention. Discuss all the cosmetic and skin care products you currently use, including makeup, with your obstetrician and/or health care provider, and esthetician. Keep it Simple: Cleaning, Moisturizing & Sunscreen: Use a gentle, cleanser on your face and body, and don’t wash your face more than twice a day, to keep your skin from getting too dry. Use an oil-free moisturizer with an SPF (sun protection factor) of at least 15 that blocks both UVA and UVB sun rays. Read labels carefully; during the first trimester you should avoid all skin care products with chemical exfoliants and which contain salicylic, glycolic and alpha and beta hydroxyl acids. (Ask your health care provider about using them later on in your pregnancy.) When you go out, remember to apply sunscreen. Wearing sunscreen outdoors is always a smart choice, whether or not […]